Why Wrestle

Wrestling is perhaps the purest form of athletic competition to exist in the realm of organized sports. There are no bats or balls, or pucks or sticks, no team mates to point a finger at if one looses a match. There‘s no time to rethink strategy, regroup, or even catch your breath.  When the referee says “wrestle”  everything fades from your mind. Nothing exists beyond the four corners of the mat. It’s just you and your opponent out there, alone, locked in a battle to see who will become the victor. Your whole being becomes immersed in this struggle: your strength, your desire and your will to win all work together in your attempt to emerge the champion.
Wrestling is a very intense, highly competitive sport. It teaches the wrestler to pull from within themselves great power and strength, it forces the truly competitive wrestler to push themselves both mentally and physically beyond what they once thought possible.
Of all the sports, wrestling is perhaps the best sport for overall physical development because it involves all the muscle groups, and requires the greatest balance of athletic skill. During training a wrestler works on constantly improving their strength, flexibility, stamina, balance, speed and technique.  Wrestlers learn the value of preparation and hard work, and the role it plays in achieving one’s life goals. What wrestlers learn on the mat can be transferred to real life experiences. Wrestlers are self reliant, they are mentally and physically fit, they have a great work ethic, they are self disciplined, competitive and responsible. Wrestlers also are goal oriented and very confident.
Wrestling prepares a person to fight the game of life.  The wrestler is the one athlete that must meet his opponent and do battle completely on his own; no one can substitute: no time outs are possible. He has no one to check, screen, block, or assist him in any way; there is no one to blame for his mistakes.  When he wins, he must show quiet pride and modesty.  When he loses, the responsibility is his.
Wrestling is a true sport. In other sports, when contact is made, they blow the whistle to stop the action; in wrestling, when contact is made, we’re just getting started. No other sport requires more sacrifice than wrestling. The individual, through self-control, offers more of his character than ever be explained here. It is something he carries with him throughout life, and through every trial, test, and tribulation.